Media Consulting

In this era of reality programming, it’s especially important for both scripted and non-scripted programming to feel believable in terms of the characters’ emotional arcs and storylines. I use my background as a journalist, film and television development executive, and TV writer (including on the critically acclaimed Bravo series “Significant Others,” a show about couples in therapy), along with my psychological training in private practice and clinic settings, to help producers create the most riveting programming possible.

Having worked on both the executive and creative sides in Hollywood, I understand first-hand the importance of balancing the commercial needs of a network and the creative needs of producers and writers. I have also given notes on and reviewed television programs for healthy portrayals of adolescent sexuality, as part of Advocates for Youth’s SHINE Awards, which honors sexual health in entertainment.

I consult with networks, producers, directors, and writers on programming involving:

  • mother-daughter relationships
  • eating disorders and body image
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • OCD
  • kids with autism or other special needs
  • single parenthood
  • blended families
  • divorce
  • dating, marriage and relationship issues
  • grief and loss
  • personality disorders
  • fertility, assisted reproduction, donor-conceived children
  • parenting
  • teen issues
  • children’s programming

You don’t have to stay in the writers’ room until midnight, eating all those M&Ms. I can help.
Just call (310) 853-3567 or simply fill out this form and I’ll contact you as soon as possible.



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