Speaking Engagements

My speaking engagements range from keynote addresses for large organizations and corporate audiences to workshops and talks in more intimate school, religious or private settings. I do my best to be covertly informative – meaning, keeping audiences entertained. Topics include:

  • Parenting and Parent Education
  • Body Image, Teen Girls, and Media Culture
  • Navigating Modern Relationships






“Lori Gottlieb’s event was one of the most successful– and talked about– programs of the season. She is a terrific speaker, and has that rare gift of being entertaining and brilliant. Her topics of interest and research are always just one step ahead of the cultural conversation of the moment, and spur public discourse that is provocative and important. People turn out in droves for the opportunity to hear her.”
-Andrea Grossman, founder of Writers Bloc, Los Angeles

“We were thrilled to host Lori Gottlieb as the featured speaker at our annual fundraiser Gala attended by several hundred people. Lori’s remarks struck a balance between being exquisitely sensitive and hilariously funny. She showed a deep understanding of the topic, profound insight into the complexities of eating disorders and tremendous courage in sharing her own struggles and triumphs. Our guests loved Lori!”
-Dina Zeckhausen, Ph.D., Founder, Eating Disorders Information Network (EDIN)

“We were honored to host Lori Gottlieb as the keynote speaker for our Embrace Hadassah Luncheon. She was delightfully entertaining, brutally honest and incredibly uplifting at the same time. We applaud her for doing a masterful job of making her topic relevant to a very diverse, intergenerational audience. Lori was a wonderful speaker and our guests won’t soon forget her!”
-Bonnie Lookofsky & Elise Feldscher, Embrace Hadassah Luncheon Co-Chairs

Booking an event is easy. Just call (310) 853-3567 or simply fill out this form and I’ll get back to you soon as possible. You can also contact The Harry Walker Agency for assistance.



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